Soil Reactivity Report in Tahmoor/Thirlmere region
Released in response to a formal access application made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Formal application was made to the Department of Customer... -
Home building compensation scheme data tables for December 2018
SIRA collects data on Home Building Compensation (HBC) contracts of insurance and claims in accordance with HBC guideline to monitor the operation of the scheme. The information... -
Building defects complaint data 2018
Released under formal Government Information Public Access (GIPA). Application made to Department of Finance, Services and Innovation (DFSI) - GIPR19/2: "Please provide a figure... -
From SEED Large-flowered collomia (Collomia grandiflora) 2019 Survey
This survey was conducted to establish the current range of this invasive species and to provide a baseline for further surveys. Herbarium specimens were collected to... -
NSW Land Tax Surcharge as at 8 January 2019
GIPR18/243 Scope of request: I would like to obtain information broken down by postcode: - the total number of land tax surcharges levied - the total revenue raised - the sub... -
Revenue NSW stats on penalty notices
GIPR19/353 Scope of request How many infringement notices were issued during the financial year 2018-19? How many infringement notices are outstanding to be paid? Of these... -
RMS Statistics of Camera Infringements Successfully Enforced
GIPR19/363 20 September 2019 Informal request -
Approved development applications by Subsidence Advisory re Bargo and Picton...
GIPR19/307 Since 1 January 2019, how many development applications did Subsidence Advisory approve for each of the suburbs in the Bargo and Picton mine subsidence districts? -
Revenue NSW MP Hotline
GIPR19/182 Decision date 11 July 2019 Date of Publication: 11 July 2019 . The final agreed scope of this GIPA application was as follows: 1) Requests received by Revenue NSW... -
Use of E10 in Government vehicles
Use of E10 in Government vehicles Partial release to the scope: Provide a copy of the final signed briefing note and report on the “Decline in E10 usage across NSW Government... -
Office of the Minister for Customer Service, planning issues in Ryde
Release by the Office of the Minister for Customer Service - correspondence between the Minister and the then Minister for Planning and the Greater Sydney Commission - planning... -
Development consents from 1993 to 1998 relating to 9-13 Hay Street (Market City)
GIPR19/69 All development consents from the period 1993 to 1998 (inclusive). On 11 June 2019 the applicant confirmed by email that the determination and permits would suffice,... -
From SEED Lord Howe Island Vegetation Map 2016 VIS_ID 4450
Fine scale vegetation communities mapped at 1:1,000 resolution across the Lord Howe Island Group (LHIG) are based on 2012, ADS40 digital aerial imagery captured at 10 cm... -
Penalty notices issued by speed camera on Pacific Highway on December 7, 14...
GIPR19/176 Penalty notices issued by speed camera on Pacific Highway on December 7, 14 and 21 2018 I would like to know how many speeding fines were issued at the speed camera... -
Submissions for TfNSW proposed name Juniors Kingsford stop on Eastern...
All submissions received as part of the consultation process on Transport for NSW's proposed name Juniors Kingsford stop on the Eastern Suburbs Light Rail. -
Transfer of Government Assets
GIPR19/55 Information not held, supplementary documents released -
Subsidence Advisory report into urban development and longwall mining at Tahmoor
GIPR19/65 Scope of request: A report of a study commissioned by Subsidence Advisory into coexistence of urban development and longwall mining at Tahmoor, with the exception of... -
Surveys and polls undertaken by DFSI from 1 Jan 2018 to 29 Nov 2018
GIPR18/226 Access granted in part Scope of request Any final briefings or reports (including attachments) to the Deputy Secretary, Secretary and/or Minister, from 1 January 2018... -
Government property bought and sold in the Charlestown electorate
Request the addresses and total value of NSW Government land in the Charlestown electorate bought and sold between 27 March 2011 and 1 October 2018. 1. The following suburbs are...