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Archive 2019 - Transitional - Native Vegetation Regulatory Map

This record is now superseded. The current record for ‘Transitional – Native Vegetation Regulatory Map' can be viewed here.

The Native Vegetation Regulatory Map (NVR Map) was prepared by Office of Environment and Heritage under Part 5A of the amended Local Land Services Act 2013 (LLS Act) and supporting regulation. The NVR Map has been developed to underpin the new land management framework. The NVR Map shows rural land where clearing of native vegetation can occur without approval and rural land where clearing requires approval. Please refer to the Method Statement for more details https://iar.environment.nsw.gov.au/dataset/asset_details/native-vegetation-regulatory-map
Broadly, category 1 is land that was cleared of native vegetation as at 1 January 1990, or land that was lawfully cleared between 1 January 1990 and 25 August 2017. Category 2 is land that was not cleared as at 1 January 1990, was unlawfully cleared after 1 January 1990, or is a prescribed area with an identified environmental value. Land is mapped to each category on the basis of past clearing or disturbance events, as detected by satellite and aerial imagery, and updated land use data. Prescribed areas with an identified environmental value are mapped as category 2, overriding a category 1 designation based on the mapping. Native Vegetation Regulatory Map – Land Categories and map the 6 colour code Category Definition 1. Category 1 - Blue Unrestricted Management (Exempt) Rural lands where clearing of Native Vegetation is not regulated by Part 5A of the LLS Act 2013.This includes land cleared or significantly disturbed as at 1 January 1990 or lawfully cleared between that date and commencement of Part 5A of the LLS Act 2013. Other legislation may apply to Exempt land. 2. Category 2 - Yellow Code Based Management (Regulated) Rural lands where clearing is regulated and can be carried out in accordance with Part 5A of the LLS Act 2013 or other legislation. This includes complying with the Codes and Allowable Activities. Land not cleared as at 1 January 1990, land unlawfully cleared since 1 January 1990, and land subject to existing conservation obligations including remedial directions. 3. Category 2 - Orange Regulated (Vulnerable) Rural land where clearing of native vegetation is more restricted than on other Category 2 land. This includes steep and highly erodible lands, riparian land and special category land (as declared). 4. Category 2 - Pink Regulated (Sensitive) Rural land where clearing of native vegetation is more restricted than other Category 2 land. This includes lands that are Sensitive Lands due to factors such as the presence of coastal wetlands, certain rainforests, core koala habitat, high conservation grasslands, critically endangered entities, land subject to conservation or incentive agreements or covenants and others. 5. Category 2 - Brown Is to depict land where Category 2 Regulated [(Vulnerable)Orange] and Category 2 Regulated [(Sensitive)Pink] overlap. 6. Excluded Land - Grey Land not regulated by Part 5A of the LLS Act 2013. This land includes urban zones, environmental conservation zones and R5 large lot residential as gazetted under a Local Environment Plan (LEP). It also includes public conservation lands such as National parks and State Forests.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Title Archive 2019 - Transitional - Native Vegetation Regulatory Map
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Update Frequency quarterly
Landing Page https://uatweb.datansw.links.com.au/data/dataset/1565b578-3d68-4f2f-8b4f-5332fa1a3c93
Date Published 2021-04-01
Date Updated 2021-09-07
Temporal Coverage 24/08/2017
Geospatial Coverage {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[141,-37.7],[141,-28],[154,-28],[154,-37.7],[141,-37.7]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Department of Planning, Industry and Environment