From SEED Bongil Bongil NP Sand Mining & Extraction
A brief account of known sand mining and sand extraction activities in Bongil Bongil National Park (NP). -
From SEED Reconstructed Distribution and Extent of Native Vegetation within the Lower...
Existing Vegetation Map of Lower Macquarie-Castlereagh Region.; Vegetation Map from M. Kerr, A. Jowett & R. Robson. Unpublished. Reconstructed Distribution and Extent of... -
From SEED Salinity Hazard for Catchment Action Plan (CAP) Updates: Hunter-Central...
The thirteen NSW Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) are required to update their Catchment Action Plans (CAPs) in a process to be completed by early 2013. The CAPs are... -
From SEED Single Beam Survey Coverage Areas - Coastal Marine Unit
Areas of single beam Bathymetric data, collated by the Coastal and Marine Unit (OEH). Includes coverage of Coastal, Estuarine and Other surveys as well as the file location of... -
From SEED State Heritage Register - Curtilages
A polygon dataset maintained by NSW Office of Environment and Heritage captured using the Land and Property Information cadastral database. In general the data applies to a... -
From SEED Reconstructed Distribution and Extent of Native Vegetation within the Lower...
Existing Vegetation Map of Lower Macquarie-Castlereagh Region. Vegetation Map from M. Kerr, A. Jowett & R. Robson. Unpublished. Reconstructed Distribution and Extent of... -
From SEED Tweed Brunswick River catchment Wetlands Inventory
The Inventory provides baseline information on the state and extent of wetlands in the above catchments. ; ; The definition of a wetland that was adopted is that defined by the... -
From SEED Landsat woody change data (25m) 1988-2010
Woody vegetation change based on the analysis of multi-date Landsat imagery. The woody vegetation change is mapped using the SLATS method which applies an automated change... -
From SEED Land Systems of Western New South Wales
Land systems are areas or groups of areas throughout which there is a recurring pattern of topography, soils and vegetation. This vector dataset with accompanying hardcopy... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands (Detailed Version) for the Central Coast...
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Central Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales; ; State: Areas identified... -
From SEED Masked Bare Cover Image [die stage]
Masked bare cover image based on bare fraction of di7 fractional cover images. The masks applied include water, cloud and cloud shadow. ; ; Bare fraction = DN - 100; 0 = no... -
From SEED ASDST Survey Priority
The Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool (ASDST) was developed by the Office of Environment and Heritage to support landscape planning of Aboriginal Heritage. The Tool was... -
From SEED OEH Parks and Wildlife Group (PWG) Branch Boundaries
Administrative boundaries of OEH Parks and Wildlife Group Branch. -
From SEED Hydrogeological Landscapes for the Eastern Murray Catchment: October 2011...
The Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) concept provides a structure for the understanding of how salinity manifests itself in the landscape and how differences in salinity are... -
From SEED NSW Woody Vegetation Extent 2011
The NSW 5m Woody Extent is a state-wide binary classification of woody vegetation derived from multitemporal 5m SPOT-5 satellite imagery. The product broadly identifies isolated... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Blackville 1:100,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of eastern and central NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 or 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Estuary Condition Rating System
Rating of indicators or indices of estuary condition into a colour scale is a visual tool for communicating relative health between indicators, estuaries, regions or state-wide.... -
From SEED Recovery assessment of threatened species, populations and ecological...
For the purposes of the State of the Catchment 2008 reports, an index of threatened species condition, or recovery was calculated for each Catchment Management Authority region... -
From SEED Estuary Sample Locations
Sample locations for river and lagoon catchments were intersected with the MER Estuary Drainage Catchment layer to provide additional attributes about Catchment Names and... -
From SEED ASDST Coastal Middens Pre1750 Model
The Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool (ASDST) was developed by the Office of Environment and Heritage to support landscape planning of Aboriginal Heritage. The Tool was...