From SEED Native Vegetation Management (NVM) - Improve Benefits
Areas where greatest benefit to biodiversity at a state scale from three approaches to vegetation management: Manage/Improve remaining examples of highly cleared vegetation... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Woodburn 1:100,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Estuary Catchment Population 1996-2006
Population in estuary catchments were estimated using statistics from census data obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). This data was sourced from CData 1996,... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Armidale 1:100,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of eastern and central NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 or 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Soil Condition Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting 2008 Indicators
Results of the NSW soil condition monitoring 2008 baseline establishment for NSW. Soil Condition is the soil's ability to deliver ecosystem services and is rated for each of... -
From SEED Fauna Key Habitats for North East NSW
Layer of regional key habitats for fauna of the Upper North East and Lower North East NSW CRA regions. Modelled distributions for priority forest fauna were subjected to a... -
From SEED Rural Land Capability Mapping 1986
As part of a basic inventory of the rural lands of NSW, land capability maps of the Eastern and Central Divisions were prepared by the then Soil Conservation Service. The... -
From SEED Sustainability assessment of native fauna in NSW: 2008
For the purposes of the State of Catchment 2010 reports, an index of fauna sustainability was calculated for each NRM region as the mean of the sustainability scores for all... -
From SEED Vulnerable Land - Protected Riparian
Maintenance of tree cover on certain land is covered by legislation. Such land has previously been mapped in NSW and is called protected land, or in recent times State Protected... -
From SEED Aerial Survey of Waterbirds in Eastern Australia
Aerial survey of waterbirds and wetlands in eastern Australia. All waterbird species in ten 30 km wide survey bands are counted, on waterbodies >1ha in size; ; Project was... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the St Albans 1:100,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Salinity Hazard for Catchment Action Plan (CAP) Updates: Hawkesbury-Nepean...
The thirteen NSW Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) are required to update their Catchment Action Plans (CAPs) in a process to be completed by early 2013. The CAPs are... -
From SEED Estuary Catchment Evaporation: Mean Annual 1921-1995
Catchment rainfall, runoff and evaporation were required to support the development of a new response-based estuary classification system based on dilution (from catchment... -
From SEED 25 Year Biodiversity Investment Layer for NSW North Coast
This layer identifies lands of high conservation value suitable for investment in conservation through a range of mechanisms. This could be achieved through mechanisms such as... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Bathurst 1:250,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED HABMAP Multi-beam Survey Coverage Areas
Areas of fine-scale Bathymetric and relative acoustic Backscatter data produced using a mounted Geoswath 125KHZ Interferometric sidescan sonar system, by the HABMAP program.... -
From SEED Estuary Water Volume
A total of 82 estuaries in NSW have hydrographic surveys of their bathymetry. Surveys have been conducted over the last 100 years or so with many over the last 30 years in paper... -
From SEED Soil Data Confidence map for NSW
This map provides a guide to the data confidence of soils information in NSW. It has been used to indicate the confidence and attribute accuracy for many statewide soil thematic... -
From SEED Native Vegetation Communities of Hornsby Shire VIS_ID 2291
Native vegetation communities of the entire Hornsby Shire from Eastwood to Brooklyn and Wisemans Ferry, except for Marramarra National Park, Muogamarra Nature Reserve, Long... -
From SEED Soil and Land Resources of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment
This product contains natural resource mapping for the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment. The project was undertaken to enhance knowledge of soils, landscapes and physical constraints...