From SEED Landscapes (Mitchell) of NSW version 2
NSW Landscapes maps were constructed in 2002 from existing data and have a strong geologic, geomorphic and pedologic base. They do not include field validation/original mapping.... -
From SEED OEH Regional Operations Group Regions
Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) Regional Operation Group Region boundaries as finalised in 2012 as part of the OEH realignment. Like the Branch boundaries the region... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Holbrook-Tallangatta 1:100,000 Sheets
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Estuary Catchment Rainfall: Mean Annual 1921-1995
Catchment rainfall, runoff and evaporation were required to support the development of a new response-based estuary classification system based on dilution (from catchment... -
From SEED Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) Environmental Protection and...
The Environmental Protection and Regulation Division (EPRD)Branch Boundaries were created after the DEC restructure in 2004. These boundaries were further modified with the... -
From SEED NSW Native Vegetation Extent (2008) ver0.1 MODISfpc classification.
A dataset of Native Vegetation Extent for NSW, prepared for the NRAC grassland mapping project NRP009 PART B. Raster grid, NSWVEGEXT08, with a land cover classification... -
From SEED TSR Conservation Values
This shapefile was constructed by combining crown TSR spatial data, information gathered from Rural Lands Protection Board (RLPB) rangers, and surveyed Conservation and... -
From SEED NSW Biodiversity Strategy 2010-2015: Formation Priorities
New South Wales covers a land area of more than 80 million hectares. To maximise outcomes for biodiversity over such a large area, decisions on where to invest need to be made... -
From SEED MER Land Management Survey Database
This Access database contains data on the land managment activities undertaken at each MER Monitoring sites. Data was derived from land management surveys completed by... -
From SEED NSW Extant Native Vegetation (Keith and Simpson 2006) - Version 002
Data represents NSW native vegetation extent, compiled from various vegetation maps using method outlined in (Keith and Simpson 2006). Data is also known as Keith and Simpson... -
From SEED Border Rivers Gwydir / Namoi Regional Native Vegetation Map Version 2.0. VIS_ID 4204
The Border Rivers Gwydir and Namoi Regional Vegetation Map is a subset of the state-wide vegetation mapping and classification program undertaken by the NSW Office of... -
From SEED State Heritage Register - Centroids
A point dataset maintained by NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. In general the data applies to a listing on the State Heritage Register and applies to a place, building,... -
From SEED Vegetation Map of Hornsby Shire Council, 2008. VIS_ID 3959
Between 1990-1993, the native vegetation communities in the bushland of Hornsby Shire were identified and mapped. The present study, carried out between 2006 and 2008, updates... -
From SEED Bongil Bongil NP Full Floristic Vegetation Survey Sites
Site locality data for full floristic vegetation survey conducted as part of the project 'SURVEY and MAPPING of the VEGETATION of BONGIL BONGIL NATIONAL PARK'. -
From SEED Wullwye Nature Reserve - draft plan of management
On public exhibition to 20 February 2006. Also covers Bobundara, Ironmungy, Myalla, Paupong, Ngadang and Nimmo nature reserves. -
From SEED NSW Wild River Catchments
Catchments of declared wild rivers in NSW under S.61(1) of the NPW Act 1974. -
From SEED Bongil Bongil NP Vegetation Community Map (inc. 500m buffer). VIS ID 3856.
Fine scale vegetation community mapping for Bongil Bongil National Park (NP) plus mapping within a surrounding 500m buffer of the park. VIS ID 3856. -
From SEED Land Vested in NPW Act Minister - dataset 1
Boundaries of areas in NSW which are vested in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. The majority of lands included in the dataset 1 are acquired... -
From SEED Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Soil Condition (Salinity) - Livingstone...
This dataset contains information collected for the Soil Condition theme of the NSW Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting (MER) program. The dataset contains electromagnetic... -
From SEED Bellingen LGA Vegetation 2013. VIS_ID 4102
This dataset represents fine-scale floristic vegetation mapping within eastern freehold lands of the Bellingen Local Government Area. Vegetation has been categorized into...