From SEED Port Macquarie Hastings LGA Vegetation and EEC Maps 2014 VIS IDs 4205 and 4206
Port Macquarie Hastings Shire Council Vegetation Mapping undertaken by Biolink Ecological Consultants from Nov 2012 to March 2013. The Port Macquarie Hastings Local Government... -
From SEED SPOT woody change data (5-10m). 2008-2010
These rasters show areas of woody vegetation change based on the anaysis of multi-date SPOT5 imagery. The analysis has been done for the period 2008-09. The woody vegetation... -
From SEED NSW Biodiversity Strategy 2010-2015 Priorities
New South Wales covers a land area of more than 80 million hectares. To maximise outcomes for biodiversity over such a large area, decisions on where to invest need to be made... -
From SEED MER LMwC expert knowledge surveys
This MER dataset comprises a range of products presenting the results of expert knowledge surveys on Land Management within Capability (LMwC) for each soil monitoring unit (SMU)... -
From SEED Nature Conservation Tool Values Model information 2015
The Nature Conservation Tool provides management priorities for NSW parks and reserves administered under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. They have been endorsed for... -
From SEED Rebuilding of Broken Dam and Delaneys' huts - draft plans
Plans to rebuild historic huts burnt down in the Kosciuszko National Park are now on the table for further discussion with hopes that construction of Broken Dam and Delaney's... -
From SEED Estuary Mouth Locations
Estuary Mouth Locations were captured to identify the central point coordinates (MGA Zone 56 eastings and northings, and latitude and longitude)of each estuary mouth in NSW.... -
From SEED Estuary Entrance Condition
Data was collected for two variables: the presence of one or more breakwaters or training walls at the estuary entrance and the level at which some intermittently closed... -
From SEED SubCatchments Stressed Rivers NSW
A classification system for NSW subcatchments into nine categories based on assessments of both environmental and hydrologic stress. The boundaries for subcatchments determined... -
From SEED Yengo National Park and Parr SRA Vegetation Survey, 1993. VIS_ID 1852
This survey drew together all survey data to form a comprehensive description of the vegetation of both Yengo National Park & Parr State Recreation Area. The sampling... -
From SEED Fire History - Wildfires and Prescribed Burns.
FireHistory is a feature class which holds final fire boundaries for every year for which there is data. Within the feature class are two subtypes Wildfire (FireType 1) and... -
From SEED ASDST Artefacts Pre1750 Model
The Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool (ASDST) was developed by the Office of Environment and Heritage to support landscape planning of Aboriginal Heritage. The Tool was... -
From SEED Grey-headed Flying-fox Camps
This dataset contains information on grey-headed and black flying-fox camp locations for coastal New South Wales and notes whether little red flying-foxes are also present. The... -
From SEED WingenMaidNR_mgmtpla
Adopted 20 July 2004. Also covers Towarri National Park and Cedar Brush Nature Reserve. -
From SEED Native Vegetation Management (NVM) - Landscape Value Mapping Benefits
LV (Consolidate Benefit) mapping highlights areas where conservation of existing vegetation, condition improvement of degraded vegetation, or rehabilitation of cleared areas are... -
From SEED Estuary Dilution Capacity
This dataset was created to enable comparison across the 184 estuaries in NSW of their relative capacity to buffer the effects of nutrient loads contained in catchment runoff... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Narooma 1:100,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Murray Catchment Blueprint - Sub Management Units
When the NSW Murray Catchment Authority was developing their initial Catchment Management Plan (or Blueprint), the catchment was divided into 10 zones/units for mangement &... -
From SEED Brushy Hill Nature Reserve Vegetation 2011. VIS_ID 4099
Vegetation community mapping for Brushy Hill Nature Reserve by John Hunter, June 2011. An Upper Hunter Area NPWS Region contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale. Five communities are... -
From SEED Grey-headed Flying-fox Foraging Habitat (Grid - Veg Types)
Mapping of the foraging habitat areas of the Grey-headed Flying-fox in New South Wales. The Grey-headed Flying-fox is listed as a threatened species under state and Commonwealth...