Mission 2 | Transport for NSW
NSW Maritime Boating Safety Officers (BSOs) need access to Victorian and Queensland customer data to conduct compliance checks on interstate boat license holders operating vessels on NSW waterways to serve informal warnings and raise infringement notices. In the past, Boating Safety Officers had to create records manually and contact Safe Transport Victoria and Maritime Safety Queensland after returning from the field to confirm details before taking any formal actions against interstate customers breaching NSW Maritime regulations and/or legislation.
Mission 2 | NSW Health
The NSW Suicide Monitoring System was developed to support better reporting on suicides in NSW – and enable communities, local organisations and government agencies to assess and respond to suicide more quickly and effectively. Prior to the establishment of the Suicide Monitoring System, NSW relied on the Australian Bureau of Statistics Causes of Death data for information about the number of suicides in NSW. The ABS data has a delay of approximately 12 to 18 months between the death occurring and reporting being available to NSW.